
For the time being, vsuite is only distributed through its git repositories, and so should be installed with pip after installing a few software dependencies.

Required software

  • pandoc (for rendering markdown to other formats)
  • pandoc-citeproc (for citations in markdown)
  • git (for optional versioning)
  • make (for simplifying rendering of markdown)
  • pip3 (for installing vsuite)

Ubuntu 16.04

sudo apt install pandoc pandoc-citeproc git make python3-pip

Fedora 27

sudo dnf install pandoc pandoc-citeproc git make python3-pip


Install vsuite as a Python package using pip3 pointed at its git repository:

pip3 install --user git+<URL of this repo>
# For example, using the GitHub repo
pip3 install --user git+

The program will place files in ~/.local/share/vsuite and store its config in ~/.config/vsuite. The requisite files should be placed when the program is run, but this has not yet been tested to any rigorous degree. Pip also creates a vsuite executable named vs at ~/.local/bin/vs, but if that location is not not a part of your PATH, you will need to manually add it.